Wednesday, July 27, 2005


We Always had a Big Garden

When it came to a garden we always had a big one. I was picking beans at ten year old. There were ten of us kids. I was the youngest. It seemed like Mom and I were the only ones picking beans. We all wood sit around on the porch and brake them up. Mom would put them in 40 or 50 jars and put them in a big tub to can them. They took 4 or 6 hours over a hot fire.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


My Border Collie "Tiny"

I had a Border Collie named "Tiny" when I was ten years old.
She was an amazing dog that would tree squirrels.
She could tree any kind of animal.
She kept chickens out of yard.
Every evening "Tiny"
got the cows.
I gave her to Ottie Isaac when she was six years old because he begged me for her. Ottie wanted a good squirrel dog. He finally brought her back to me because she wouldn’t eat. She just laid around.
"Tiny" was tickled to death to get back to me after a week or so away. She ate right away.

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